Points of interest
Trail No.5 Trail of shepherds - NMK
Location: Shar Mountain
Altitude: 700 m.a.s.l.
Access: Asphalt road from Tetovo to the villages Jedoarce, Otunje and Setole.
Description: Jedoarce is located in the eastern part of the Municipality of Tetovo and is located 6 km north of the city, on the slopes of Shar Mountain. The village has a small area of arable land and it is used as a weekend getaway village, where the owners use the houses for rest, recreation and socializing.
Otunје is located in the north-eastern part of the Municipality of Tetovo, on the border with the Municipality of Tearce. Otunје has had no population in the past years and belongs to the group of completely evicted places.
Setole is located in the north-eastern part of the Municipality of Tetovо. It is situated deep in the foothills of Shar Mountain, at 1,000 meters average altitude.
GPS: N 42° 02’ 55.17’’ / E 21° 00’ 02.17’’
Location: Shar Mountain, “Gjinov Kamen”
Altitude: 1635 m.a.s.l.
Access: Mountaineering trail from the Village of Varvara
Description: “Gjinov Kamen”, a place from which we have a magnificent view of the Polog Valley. At the very edge of the beech forest there is this distinctive rock that the people have named “Gjinov Kamen”.
GPS: N 42° 04’ 36.69’’ / E 20° 59’ 19.64’’
Location: Shar Mountain, Village of Varvara
Altitude: 820 m.a.s.l.
Access: Asphalt road from Tetovo to the Village of Varvara
Description: The village is located above the Leshok Monastery at an altitude of 820 meters. From the village of Leshok to the village of Varvara there is a narrow asphalt road with a length of 2 km. The village has 57 houses, the church St. Petka and a cultural center built within the church. Guests can be accommodated in the lodgings. The capacity is 10 beds. It has a shared bathroom, a kitchen and a dining room.
GPS: N 42° 03’ 43.03’’ / E 21° 01’ 02.39’’
Location: Village of Dzepchishte
Altitude: 443 m.a.s.l.
Access: Asphalt road from Tetovo to the Village of Dzepchishte.
Description: The Smallest Ethno Museum in the World is located in Tetovo in the Village of Dzepciste and it covers an area of only 7.2 square meters. It contains over 1,150 items, including old books, jewelry, tools dating from the 8th and 5th centuries BC, to the beginning of the last century.
GPS: N 42° 02’ 19.42’’ E 20° 59’ 59.98’’
Location: Village of Leshok
Altitude: 638 m.a.s.l.
Access: Asphalt road from Tetovo to Village of Leshok.
Description: The Monastery of Leshok is located 8 km from Tetovo, and within the monastery there are two churches - St. Atanasij and St. Bogorodica. The Church St. Bogorodica was built in 1326 and is a wonderful example of Byzantine architecture and the church St. Atanasij was built in 1924. In the yard of the monastery there is the tomb of one of the founders of the Macedonian literature - Kiril Pejcinovic.
GPS: N 42° 03’ 59.62’’ / E 21° 01’ 37.68’’
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